
Express Yourself at #paaplayyourpart

Show off your artistic side with our new “Play Your Part” video series! Play your instrument, sing a song, act out a scene, draw a picture – do whatever creative activity you do (or have done) at Mason’s Potomac Arts Academy –  for the camera. Short videos highlighting our students and faculty will be posted on our social media channels throughout the year under the special hashtag #paaplayyourpart.

Congratulations to our honorary inaugural participant Hannah (more to come)!



This is community arts at its best. We invite any past and current students/ participants to join in! Here’s how it works:

  1. Record a short (approx 30 seconds) vid of yourself, starting with saying something like “Hi, my name is [first name only], and I take [ex: piano, acting, art] classes at Potomac Arts Academy”. Then play/ demonstrate your art. The tone is casual and fun, so your phone cam is just fine.
  2. Email the original video file (NOT a URL link) to (or share via Dropbox, Google Drive, etc), title the email “Play Your Part Video” and in the email include the person’s name (only first name will be used). Please be aware that by submitting the video, you are giving permission to post the video to our social media channels – YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.
  3. Once we have reviewed the video content, we will let you know when we have posted it.



Let’s show the world how important and enjoyable – and inspiring – the arts can be. Submissions will be accepted September 2016 through August 2017. Do your art and play your part!


VIEW ALL #paaplayyourpart VIDEOS (updated throughout the year)